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Mold is one type of fungus whose job it is to decompose of dead organic material. Molds sometimes can infect living plants and animals. The spores and fiber like structure of individual mold colonies are too small to see without a microscope.

When enough mold grows together on a surface it will appear in different colors. The color of mold is influenced by nutrient source and the age of the colony. It is impossible to determine what type of mold is growing by visual inspection only.

Molds are naturally occurring organisms playing a major role in the earth’s ecosystem. They are the most important part of nature’s ability to recycle. These microscopic fungi exist everywhere except under water, parts of the Arctic and Antarctic, and in artificial environments like clean rooms.

Fungi have to depend on other organisms or on the forces of nature to carry them to a food source, or to bring food to them. Mold spores and mold fragments are in the air we breathe every day.

Living in a damp house subject to mould can be bad for your health. The good news? You can do something about your mould problem! Call The SKJ GROUP to arrange a FREE quote, which includes an initial inspection, mould testing and a detailed report.

The SKJ GROUP can remove mold from your property, sanitise it and advise you on ways to reduce excess moisture and improve ventilation ensuring your home or business remains a healthy and safe place to live or work.